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EDE446 Introduction to Urban Education

The social and historical contexts of urban education in the United States place unique demands on teachers in America’s urban schools. Situated in communities affected by the steady withdrawal of social and economic capital from America’s inner cities, urban educators must acknowledge the impact of late-twentieth century urban decline while not losing sight of the agency and humanity of urban communities, families, and youth. This one-credit course offers an introduction to the political and economic contexts that shape the exigencies of urban schooling, and provides an opportunity for students to begin to consider how their work as educational stakeholders might improve the academic experiences and life chances of young people in urban schools.

Credits: 1
Offered: SummerA
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: Online options
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: Master's students enrolled in UTL Program or with permission from instructor.
EDE 446 Introduction to Urban Education course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.